Talk at Open Fest 2009 - "Tesseract OCR Engine"

сряда, 25 ноември 2009 г.

Few weeks ago I had a technical talk along with my colleague Svetlin Nakov about OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and more specifically - Tesseract OCR Engine. The lection was part of the Open Fest 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria and was widely attended.

We shared our practical experience with the Tesseract and the OCR in general as we had just worked on a very complicated project just a few weeks ago.

The presentation includes:
- What is OCR?
- Project Tesseract - history and versions.
- Downloading and compiling Tesseract - live demo.
- How Tesseract works? - an overview of the underlying algorithms.
- Training Tesseract - live demo how to train the engine for custom languages/fonts.
- Comparison with other OCR engines.
- Tesseract's future.

You can download the presentation and the demos.

Vesko Kolev

P.S. As the topic of OCR is really very interesting I am planning to have another post on it showing some further details about Tesseract as well as a sample OCR engine based on some AI algorithms.
Stay tuned!

1 коментара:

AdeleB каза...

Now, i'm using RasterEdge OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software for reading the data from the captured image.

Tags: c# winforms ocr software, ocr software

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